A quiet time in critical thinking, away from life’s distractions, to focus on the truth, on what is really important, on what is best for our future and well-being is precious for our souls.
It's Time to Recognize the Goodness of God
The real need of our time is not more entertainment and more preoccupation. What we need is to rearrange our priorities and treat what is really important as important.
With so many things in our world vying for attention, it is easy to be distracted, get our priorities skewed and be drawn away from what is the most important thing in life.
Our work, profession and career may take a large portion of our day. Add to that attending to your spouse, the raising of children, caring for them, taking them to their activities and keeping the home. This is exacerbated if one is a single parent or if one’s partner is checked-out or uninvolved. Many in these situations are overwhelmed and stressed.
On the other hand, there is a group of people who are only partially concerned with the above because they have a different preoccupation. This group spends a lot of time in front of their television, cell phones or mobile devices binge watching episode after episodes of Korean telenovela, checking the latest gossip, getting updated with social media or shooting aliens or conquering kingdoms in a video game.
If they do not have to go to work or do chores that cannot be avoided, they will most likely be devoted to these things the whole time of their waking hours.
Whether there is a legitimate reason that takes our time away or we have shifted our focus to escape from our difficulties, to relax and take a rest or to live in our dream world, the truth is we have to wake up, get our priorities straight and treat what is important as important.
Our pilgrimage on earth is short. If not ended prematurely, we can only live up to 75 years or a little more. But that is nothing compared to eternity that God prepared for us to have and enjoy. During these short years, we must discover what He freely offers and already prepared for us, which is in His rhema word at this time. It is –

The best gift that anyone can receive
is not gold, silver or material possessions but the
Gift of the Holy Spirit Gift of Salvation Gift of Eternal Life
which comes from the goodness of God. It translates to being freed from the guilt of sin, entering the place of peace with God and resting assured that even if we suffer and die, we will wake up on the other side alive and possessing all of that God promise to his children.
The Lord Himself said:
“If you knew the Gift of God and who it is who speaks to you, you would have asked Him and He would have given you eternal life (Living Water).”
John 4:10 (Paraphrased)

By prayerfully meditating and considering the truth written here, you can be partakers of God’s promises. So, read on.
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Table of Contents
The Roaring Lion Declared the Grave has no Claim on Me
If you are familiar with this verse from the song Living Hope written by Phil Wickham, you know there is a verse that makes this
WHY CHANGE IS NOT ALWAYS GOOD (My daughter Bianca is getting married in July. On Sunday, my wife and I hosted a gathering to send
The Whys of the Suffering, Death and Resurrection of the Messiah
A Big Picture Look (at the Death and Resurrection of Jesus) In looking into the details of the cruelty which the Lord Jesus suffered as
Looking with spiritual eyes the signs of the times Trials, difficulties and even judgments are a way for God to call one to repentance. Sometimes
Israel’s Fall Feasts and their Upcoming Fulfillment
Israel, as a nation, was given by God seven feasts to celebrate as they came to possess the land that the LORD promised to them.
Superficial Versus True Conversion
Do You Know the Difference Between a True Conversion and a Superficial Conversion? A self-check to see if we had a true conversion when
The Rapture and God’s Purpose for it
What Is the Rapture and Why we should be ready for it Everything that God ever did and will do is always intentional and
Where we are on God’s Biblical Calendar and What is Next
If life is a journey and if we are sojourners and pilgrims in this world, it is important to realize that life is not going
What It Means to Be Born Again, Why the Second Birth Is of Utmost Importance
Consider this true statement – Born once, you die twice; Born twice, you die once. The Book of Revelation, speaking of the person who is
The Lord is Risen, Hallelujah
The Lord is Risen, Hallelujah! The resurrection has many repercussions and accomplishments. Here are some of them: It proves The Word of God is true.
PINAGPALA: What It Means and Who Makes it Possible
Pinagpala, what does it mean? Many consider the Ancient Greek language as superior over other languages because of its richness and depth. Greek affords multiple
Understanding Faith, The Bridge Between The Material And The Spiritual
Faith, the Bridge between the Material and the Spiritual. Without it, we are stuck in the material world. Learn the ways to cross over to
What Do We Do With Jesus?
What will you do with Jesus? Throughout history, man needed to and must wrestle with the issue of what to do with Jesus. The people
What Is Palm Sunday And Its Significance?
What is Palm Sunday and what is its significance? Is it a day to celebrate or mourning? Join us in discovering few facts about it!
Patience and Perseverance: Why these Matter in Our Walk in Faith?
Persevere no matter how difficult life’s journey is. The overcomer, armed with self control will make it to the finish! The Believer’s walk is like
About Life, Morals and the Christian Faith
I am not making this statement lightly. It is a conclusion supported by biblical doctrine. It applies not only to believers or to the religious but to all men and women of all beliefs, in this world.
The most important thing in life is to recognize that God wanted to present us with a Gift and His desire is for us to choose to accept it and live by it. It is offered and available to anyone who agree that –
“All (men) have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23)
This gift has multiple aspects:
- It is spiritual; from a God who is spirit.
- It blots our offense and sin. By it we are made holy, blameless and acceptable to Him regardless of our past.
- We receive a virtual Certificate of Adoption into the family of God.
- The wisdom, blessings and promises of God become ours.
- Together with the gift is the indwelling in us of the Holy Spirit whom He gives as a guarantee of the fulfillment of what is promised.
- Being a gift, we can’t buy, work for or pay for it. It is to be received by faith, by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross.
- In gratitude, we respond with thanksgiving, seeking who this Giver is and finding His good, eternal will and plans for us, make Him our Lord and Savior.
As with any gift, it is up for us what to do with it. We can keep it in the closet unopened. We can pass it on saying it is not for us. We can also get angry; how dare He tells us we are sinners.
Aside from me, I know some folks who received the Gift. They say they felt their guilt taken away, some speak of peace and joy, some marvel that the truth is now revealed, some enjoy the closeness and intimacy with Him, some appreciate their new purpose and life goal, some are enlightened about the direction they are going and of course, all rest on the assurance of eternal life when they die.
The child of God is heaven bound. If you accept it, in a short while, you will agree with me, it is the Best Gift one can ever receive.
If you discount the existence of the spirit realm, you need to discount God altogether. Atheists do that to their own peril. Man was created by God in His image and made him to be body, soul and spirit. The body and soul were made to relate to the material world but the soul and spirit were made to relate to the spiritual.
Consider this verse in 1 Corinthians 2:14 –
“But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.“
The “natural” man spoken of here is someone who lacks the interest to seek the truth about himself and his existence.
In contrast, the spiritual man wonders about his existence, seeks to know his true origin, asks about his purpose in life and pursues the answers to his many questions about himself, his environment, the after life and the whys and how’s of life.
Jeremiah in Jeremiah 29:13 said “Thus says the Lord”…“And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for me with all your heart.” God wants to be found by you. He wants a relationship with you and to find Him you need to be in the spirit.
The fullness of God’s plan for man cannot be completed if man does not have a spirit. The spirit realm is integral and foundational to our existence. There is a spirit realm and it is very real.
There is a verse in the song “What a Beautiful Name” by Hillsong Worship which says “You did not want heaven without us, so you brought heaven down.”
This statement is so impactful to me because it speaks of God’s heart to want to share the bliss of heaven with men, with you and me.
First, God created man and blessed him and prepared a path for him so he can go to heaven. And, in fulfillment of that plan, He sent His son on a death mission to earth. The rest of the story you know.
In the beginning, God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…” What is this image that God made man to be?
Could it be the intellect He gave to man that He did not give to animals? Or, is it the capacity to reason, know morality, speak a language, have a personality, feel emotion and have a sense of purpose.
For sure, God gave man a spirit and that’s top in the list. He also made man to be able to experience and understand love, truth, faith, joy, hope, gratitude and many others.
If all of these are true, then we can say, God wished and prepared us for heaven and can dwell with God there. But, heaven is His house and He welcomes there only whom He has chosen.
The criteria for being chosen is hinted in the parable of the Wedding Banquet in Matthew 22. Please read prayerfully, looking for the context of who is allowed in the banquet.
Having said all that, we know that we are all a son or daughter of our parents and we were born at such and such place and time. But beyond that, acknowledging we are made in His image, we are body soul and spirit and created to be like Him (in His image).
Our sin caused a wedge between Him and us. So, He provided a sacrifice to pay for our sins in the person of Christ. So, in the righteousness we have in Christ, as believers, we become His son or daughter (see John 1:12). And His son, then an heir with Christ of the heavenly inheritance.
Going back to the question, Who am I? The answer is I am God’s creation, redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ and partaker of the promise of heaven.
Now, if you are an atheist, a God hater, an unbeliever and a rejector of Jesus Christ, the Savior, then you missed the mark. You are not a son or daughter of God and not partaker of the promise of eternal life. Your sins are not atoned for and you will have to pay for them yourself.
Our blog titled “Meaning and Purpose of Life” expounds on this topic with great detail. If you do not believe, it is not too late to make a turn around. God’s invitation is still open.
We all need forgiveness because we are all sinners. We may not all be thieves or murderers but you have to agree that we are all liars, covetous or lustful. Many are gossips among us.
Some reject God and blaspheme Him. Look at a little toddler, he takes away his friend’s toy and he says, it is mine. If he breaks something, he is quick to lie and deny it.
We have all sorts of sin and evil in us and we are so far off to be in the state that God intended for us. In Romans 3:23, it is written “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.”
Only His forgiveness that we have in the finished work of Christ on the cross that we can be in that state of being right with Him. Because God is the only one who can forgive, realizing our need for forgiveness draws us towards Him. That humility and mindset is so important for our spiritual well being
Moses murdered an Egyptian in his younger years. David committed adultery with a married woman Bathsheba and had her husband murdered to cover his sin.
Saul (later to be renamed Paul) persecuted the church, jailed a few believers and consented to the killing of Stephen. Abraham lied about Sarah, his wife saying to the Egyptians, she is his sister.
These are great men of the Christian faith but like us they were not perfect. They were sinners, like you and like me. Consider these verses:
“But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ”. Ephesians 2:4-5
“The sacrifice you want is a broken spirit. A broken and repentant heart, O God, you will not despise”. Psalm 51:17 (NLT)
So, God accepted the great men and women of faith who were sinners will also accept you in spite of your sin. What He is just asking is that you come repentant.
So come to Him. If you let Him, He will change you, make you His son or daughter and you will find forgiveness, joy and peace beyond understanding.
Psalm 127:1 says “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it; unless the Lord builds the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.”
The raising of children is a very important responsibility of parents. It is a horror to see a mother bail out their son who committed a crime. It pains us to see sons and daughters, who are drug addicts, steal from their parents and siblings to support their addiction.
It breaks our hearts when our young adult children decide to move in with their boyfriends or girlfriends. Raising up children even in Christian homes is difficult. How much more without God? Psalm 127:1 is true.
We may raise up children without God who end up with character and material success. But if their soul is lost, our efforts, as parents cannot be counted as success in the spiritual sense.
Our prayer is that we will be good stewards of the souls the Lord gave to us to raise. Love them not how the world loves – spoiling them, bribing them and giving them material things instead of the things they truly need.
Loving them biblically means teaching and training them constantly in the knowledge and fear of God (a command strongly given in Deuteronomy 6:1-9) , discipline them when needed and pray for their salvation.
The bible has much to say about how we can be good parents to our children and thus build a strong spiritual house. In addition to Deuteronomy 6, study the Proverbs and Ephesians 6 for a start.
We must pass on our faith in the Lord to our children and be a good witness to them by the genuineness of our faith. Our children can tell if our faith is true because they see us up close.
Our submission to the Lord, inquiring of Him when we have to make decisions, how we pray and how we let Him lead are practical examples of lessons they can learn from us.
Psalm 127:1 says “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it; unless the Lord builds the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.”
This verse tells us that if we leave out God in anything we do, it will not end up well. Problems between couples is a complicated matter that requires a thorough study of their situation before successful counselling can take place.
But, this is what we know. Remember that in marriage, two different persons with their own world view, self will, upbringing, priorities, baggage and emotional and spiritual conditions are made to live together under one roof.
They need to know and always be conscious of their commitment to love each other (in sickness and in health, etc.) before God. To me the marriage bow means a perpetual resolve to continuously improve as a better couple, a better family, better parents and a better husband or wife.
You will say, that is all good. But, something is missing and that is the couple needs to not only please each other but walk with and please God in their marriage above all.
To overcome their individual challenges and be successful, a couple really requires submission to God first and then practicing a lot of giving in (humbling oneself), forgiveness, patience, compassion, kindness, acceptance, understanding, openness, intimacy and absence of malice (or ill will).
That is why it is hard. I did not say that, Paul did (in 1 Corinthians 7:1). It is a good exercise for a couple to study the whole chapter of 1 Corinthians 7. If you have questions and need advice, submit a comment or question.
Many books have been written about this topic but they will inevitably come to these basic answers. First, at the fall, when Adam and Eve sinned, the curse was unleashed.
Sin, death, (with it, sickness) and evil entered the world. It is not God who caused it, man’s choice did. God cursed the ground and major consequences followed.
The land will no longer bear fruit easily but will require “toil” or hard work: By the sweat of your face you shall eat. God also made childbirth to be painful and difficult, among other things. And, man came to know good and evil. The question became what will he do with that knowledge?
Second, we saw above that there was a consequence for Adam and Eve’s action. Not only here but throughout scriptures, there is a principle that is clearly taught – the principle of sowing and reaping.
In Deuteronomy 30:15-20 and in many other places including in the Book of Judges and the history of the kings of Israel (1st and 2nd Kings), it is clearly taught, we reap what we sow. If we sow good, we reap good. If we sow evil, we will reap evil.
While God is love, He is also just and righteous. He won’t tolerate sin and in His time, all will be made to account and justice will be served.
If we sow rightly, God will avenge us and deliver us from our difficulty (abuse, loss, evil or sickness), if not in this age, in the age to come. Jesus said “…in Me you may have peace, in the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
Look at the suffering in the world – sickness, death, Covid 19 pandemic, war, poverty, children and women trafficing, drug abuse, abortion, divorce, on and on.
These are all the result of sin. And many innocent people get hurt as a consequence. Surely God can stop it. But, if He stops evil from happening, He will have to take away the freedom of man to choose.
If God intervenes and prevents evil from happening, then man cannot succeed in doing evil. That means God took away his free will to choose good or evil. God did not make man to be a robot to worship Him.
He desires true fellowship with men who choose to follow Him. Bear this in mind. God is just and righteous (For the victims of injustice He said “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” Romans 12:19) He will deal with the evil.
Everyone will be made to account and He is listening to the cries of the afflicted. If we are in the receiving end of the suffering, let us call to God for help. He will be there for us, if not in this life, surely in the next.
Sad… but we can certainly agree with this statement. It is hard to overcome addiction. By our own power, we cannot overcome our addictions, our sins. Once the enemy has taken a foothold in us, it is very difficult to get out of it.
Another term for the word sin is iniquity. It describes our crookedness and bent toward evil. It is like a default position. Add to that the work of the enemy to keep us in bondage.
Even the apostle Paul was subjected to this. He wrote “For the good that I will (desire) to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice…Oh wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?” Romans 7:19, 24 .
He answered his own question with “…Jesus Christ our Lord”!. You see, by our own self, we are powerless. But, if we have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, He will rescue us. He is our deliverer. No addiction or sin or slavery will triumph over Him!
Consider this verse, “But, as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.” (John 1:12)
Now, if by faith you become His son, you will be in His protection and care. By faith, you will overcome because as He said, He has already overcome this world.
Salvation or being “saved” is a Christian terminology. In the world, a lot of people believe that man is intrinsically good. They believe that what is wrong is his environment, the culture, his upbringing and how he lacks self esteem.
This belief came from the teachings of psychologists, philosophers, thinkers and some religions. The idea has become entrenched that schools, governments and even some Christians believe and teach it.
On the contrary, the bible says that man is sinful, rebellious and twisted and he needs to be saved from what he is and where he is bound (hell). Look at what the Lord said in John 3:5 – Unless a man is born of water and the Spirit (born again), he cannot see the kingdom of God.
This new birth spoken of by the Lord Jesus is what it means to be saved. It basically means to be saved from one’s sin, from that no-good old “self”.
If we agree that we are all sinners as what the bible states in Romans 3:9 (All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God), then the next question is how do we pay for or atone for our sin?
Some religions teach their followers to do good hoping that if they do more good than evil, it will end well. Some teach penance, punishing the body, denial and sacrifice and some other ways.
But what does God say? To the Philippian jailer of Paul who asked that same question, he answered: “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved, you and your household” (Acts 16:31)
The word believe here is a translation from the Greek. Unfortunately, the English word “believe”, as commonly used, is an inadequate translation of the Greek.
Believe as used here is more than just an intellectual ascent. It means entrust the future and what matters most to Christ. Continue reading the materials on this site and what it means to get saved will become clear to you. You can also submit a question or comment.
When we speak of heaven, we normally refer to the place where God dwells. If God exists, heaven must also exist because God is not homeless. Heaven is where He dwells.
God said, “Heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool.” (Acts 7:49). The psalmist in Psalms 16:11 describes heaven as a joyful place and lacking in nothing saying “You will show me the path of life, in your presence is fullness of joy…and pleasures forevermore.”
In another place (Revelation 21:4), heaven is described as the place where God will wipe away every tear, there shall be no more death, nor sorrow or crying.
Whose tears do you suppose He is going to wipe? The answer is the spirits of just men (and women) made perfect who gained entrance to heaven and dwell with Him there.
If heaven is a real place it needs to have a location. Look at this, Psalm 75:6 says “For exaltation comes neither from the east nor from the west nor from the south.” What is left out there is the north.
So, when the Lord said that “Heaven is His throne, and the earth is His footstool” (Luke 7:49). There we can see this hidden truth, heaven is north of the earth, and the earth being south of it is His footstool. It makes perfect sense.
Everyone wants to go to heaven when they die. But many are not willing to invest time and effort to find out how to go there. On this website, we can help you do just that. Check out our blogs and materials to learn how.
Hell is also a real place. The Lord taught more about hell than heaven precisely to warn us of the danger of ending up in it. Hell was made for Satan and his angels.
But, because of the evil deeds of men, they will also be judged and thrown into it. Hell is described in the bible as a lake burning with fire and brimstone (Rev 20:15), as outer darkness and as a place where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. (Matt 8:12) .
I had an officemate in my first job in the USA who I recognized to be a fellow believer. Her name is Imelda. She told how she came to faith. She was able to watch this Billy Graham movie “Left Behind” and she got terribly afraid thinking she might end up in hell.
So, she did not rest until she found out how she can avoid being left behind and avoid going to hell. Did you know that you can find out if you are “saved” and avoid going to hell?
Most people think you will never know until you wake up on the other side. This is so untrue. That is not the God we serve. God is merciful and gracious and wants to assure His children that they are safe in following Him.
If you are a child of God, you will know where you are going when you die. John wrote “These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God.” (1 John 5:13).
Let me encourage you with this verse in Rev 21:7 “He who overcomes shall inherit all things and I will be his God and he shall be my son.
But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”
The Lord is not lacking in warning us about the danger of hell. If we think soberly, we will respond to the warning just like how Imelda responded. Seek the Lord seriously and find out how to avoid going to hell. It is written very clearly in scriptures.
In our common lingo, we refer to those who passed away as “dearly departed”. This is a biblical and true statement.
For those who died, the body is left behind (…for dust you are, and to dust you shall return. Gen 3:19b) and the real being departed to his or her eternal destination.
As the theologians say, you are a soul and a spirit and you have a body. The body is temporal but the soul and spirit eternal. After this life, there are only 2 destinations for all of us.
The book of Daniel, in chapter 12,v2, says “And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life (heaven), some to shame and everlasting contempt (hell).”
This is speaking of the time at the end when the bodies of the dead wil be awakened and reunited with their soul and spirit in what is called “the resurrection of the dead in the last day”.
For the believer, the soul and spirit at death will go where the Lord is, in His dwelling place. Paul wrote “ For we walk by faith, not by sight.
We are confident, yes well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord” 2 Corinthian 5:7-8 The promise of eternal life is to the believer.
So, let us put to rest the uncertainty of where we are going when we die by making the choice to follow Him now. If we do, we become the recipient of the promises of God and assured that we are safe in Him.
This is what the bible says about itself – “All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction and for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
2 Timothy 3:16. This means the bible is not man’s work or invention. It is supernatural. God does nor make idle statements or jokes. He meant what He wrote.
God also does not lie. Everything He said is true. Jesus said “Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will by no means pass away.”
If you are not aware, the bible was written over a period of 2,500 years by 40 different human writers. If something was prophesied in early days, that prophecy was actually fulfilled and written about later.
For example, Micah the prophet wrote during the kingship of Jotham, Ahas and Hezekiah, that the Messiah (the One to be Ruler of Israel) will be born in Bethlehem in Judah. (Micah 5:2).
And we know that He was indeed born in Bethlehem, 700 years later. The invasion of Jerusalem by the Babylonians was prophesied by Isaiah and later, Jeremiah witnessed the prophecy being fulfilled.
If you are a student of history, the rise of the world’s kingdoms was prophesied in the Book of Daniel before they came about.
During the reign of Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon, Daniel wrote that after the Babylonians, the Medo-Persian, then Alexander, the Great (Greece) and then the Romans will rule the world. History will confirm that and it was accurately foretold in the correct order with plenty of details many years before it took place.
Later on, the Lord Jesus said I will suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and be killed and be raised the third day (Matthew 16:21). Isn’t that what exactly happened?
Whatever has been written in the bible has come to pass in its time and there is no doubt that those not yet fulfilled will be fulfilled soon. The bible is true and it has proven itself hundreds of times. I believe it and blessed by it. You can too.
Truth is exclusive. If a statement is true and there are conflicting statements about the same thing, only one of them must be true.
For example, Eastern religions teach that their ultimate goal for their followers is to reach a state of release on earth where there is no more suffering, desire, nor sense of self; where one will be able to get out of the cycle of reincarnation.
The teaching of Christianity is in this world there will be suffering (Jesus said “in this world you will have tribulation” ). It is in heaven where there will be an end to the suffering (Revelation 21:4). Clearly, the positions are conflicting. So, which one will you believe?
Islam and Catholicism teach that if your good deeds (and graces received) are more than your bad deeds, you will go to heaven or if not, purgatory.
Christianity teaches that salvation, which results in going to heaven, is a gift from God and it is received not by working for it but by believing (by faith) in Jesus Christ. Again, the positions are clearly conflicting. One is true and the other false. Which will you believe?
The truth is there is only one way. There are not many ways. The way is in Him who declared “I (Jesus) am the Way, the Truth, the Life, no one comes to the Father except through Me. (John 14:6)
If there are many ways, the Lord who cannot lie, would have said “I am a way, a truth, a life. But He did not. Again, if your truth conflicts with this statement in John 14:6, you might want to reconsider your position. There is only one way and it is through the Lord Jesus Christ.
This word atheist comes from the root word theo, which means god, and the preposition “a”. When an “a” is added before a word, it makes it a negative. So, atheo means no god and the substitution of “o” with “ist” makes it a noun.
Here is what the bible says on this topic. “But the natural man (an atheist) does not receive the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Corinthians 2:14).
It takes faith to believe God, someone who says he is an atheist and refuses to acknowledge God is naturally blinded. If that is his free will decision, God will leave him in his unbelief.
If you have a friend or family member who is an atheist and you want to reason with him or her, know that it takes the power of the Spirit to open his eyes. No amount of argument will convince him.
The best thing you can do is pray for his deliverance from his unbelief and watch your testimony that he does not have a false idea of your faith by your action.
He needs to see Christ in you and the fruit of the Spirit in you as a believer. Your demeanor, your language, where you go, how you spend your time and money all speak stronger than words to convince him. Persevere in prayer and leave the result to God.
In the account of creation in Genesis, the Lord created man in His image, male and female He created them. This is true of humans and all animals. Nothing is in between. And everything is created in His image.
Paul wrote in Romans 1:24-27 (paraphrase mine) about how God abandoned those who rebel against Him, to whatever shameful things their hearts desired.
As a result, they did vile and degrading things with each other’s bodies, man to man and women to women. When God let go and leave men to their vile and degrading passion, sin will be entrenched and it will result in a deeper plunge into wickedness with lives full of greed, hate, envy, murder, quarreling, deception, malicious behavior and gossip (v29).
Then in 1 Corinthians 6:9, he wrote that these – “fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, homosexuals, sodomites, thieves, drunkards, revilers or extortioners” will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Now, these are not my words, these are written in the bible to warn us so we can steer away from sin. If these apply to you, do not be discouraged.
Paul wrote to the Ephesians admitting that he too was in sin before he was forgiven – “among whom also we conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others.” (Ephesians 2:3)
So there, Paul was also guilty as we are but what a transformation God worked on him. So, no one is hopeless. We can all be given a fresh start. Consider this verse – “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, old things have passed away; behold all things have become new.” (2 Corinthians 5:17)
Let me clear up a point in order not to mislead you. Same sex attraction is not sin in itself. When one is able to control himself or herself and does not commit sin with his action or thoughts, then that is fine.
It is when you succumb to sin that you offend God. We all get subjected to temptation. Some get tempted to lust after material things, some to sex, some to power, some to alcohol or drugs according to the weakness in our being.
I believe this is the cross we are asked to bear. Now, as a follower of God, we resist temptation and exercise self control in order not to sin. Given at our disposal are means to help us overcome: that is prayer and the empowering help from the Holy Spirit. Yes, we can triumph over sin and our sin nature.
God is the creator of sex. He placed that desire for sexual fulfillment in man and beast. It is His way to propagate the race in obedience to His command to be fruitful and multiply.
He also gave it to bring pleasure to man and His creation. If you study this carefully, intimacy in sex brings about the union of a man and a woman spoken of in the bible as one flesh.
“Therefore, a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and the two shall become one flesh. (Genesis 2:24). Now, that was God’s design. The word “be joined” denotes giving the woman to the man, as in marriage.
God gave Eve to Adam. In marriage, the father of the bride, gives away her daughter to the man she is marrying. Afterwards, there is the joining and becoming “one” in the intimacy of marriage.
Remember, the oneness is between a man and a woman after being joined together in marriage. Sex outside of this is sin.
Paul has a very clear teaching about sex, marriage and singleness and it is found in 1 Corinthians 7. Read these prayerfully and if you have doubts, questions or comments, submit them in our Questions/ Comment page.
An unwanted pregnancy is often the result of sin. The desire for sexual pleasure outside the bounds of marriage is mostly the cause. The bible commands us not to commit sexual immorality.
If you became pregnant in sin, will you now fix your problem with the bigger sin of murder? Abortion is the killing of an innocent life. Life begins in the womb and the baby you are carrying is a live human being with a soul.
In Psalm 139:13, the psalmist said “For you formed my inward parts…in my mother’s womb” and in verse 15 “You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb” (NLT).
You wanted to abort your baby because you do not want to lose your freedom and be tied down by the responsibility of caring for him or her. Or, you did not want the shame of an unwed mother.
Or, you just want to continue enjoying sex as it is. Notice that these are all about you and yourself. About self. On the contrary, motherhood is shedding self and being selfless.
Remember how your mother did not abort you and cared and sacrificed for you. If you do not want to be pregnant abstain from sex until you are married.
And, if you get pregnant anyway and desire not to keep the baby, get him or her adopted but do not kill him or her. Abortion is murder and a serious sin against God.
If you reach this point in life where you are in your right mind and not being influenced by the drugs you may be taking and seriously considering taking your own life, you actually need urgent help.
There are resources available to help and I believe any true believer in Christ will be willing and can help you. So, reach out to one.
Obviously, there is a battle going on in your mind. Do not discount the fact that you are in a spiritual battle. The enemy is trying to poison your mind to claim you as his and to bring chaos, discord and guilt into your family.
The first step in addressing this is to recognize you are in this battle and prepare yourself to fight. I believe that people who overly focus on their suffering and their situation are bound to get depressed and unhappy. It can lead to thoughts of suicide.
But, if they look at other people, they will realize that their situation is not that bad after all. Are you blind? Are you paralized? Are you alone, shipwrecked in the middle of the sea? Do you eat 3 times a day?
Are you suffering from a painful terminal disease? Do you have a bed to sleep and roof over your head? Surely other folks are in a worse situation than you are if you just look carefully around.
Focusing on self and one’s situation is not productive. Ending life, thinking there will be peace afterwards is a lie. First, if you are not right with God, ending your life will bring you to eternal punishment, not peace.
It will also cause turmoil, discord and guilt to your loved ones, not peace. Imagine how long they will have to suffer for it.
The enemy will provide all the justifications you need to end it all but you need to resist him and not give in to his will. Suicide is a very selfish act. It is all about yourself. Think about those who love you and the guilt they will have to suffer if you commit suicide.
Here is how to fight this spiritual battle. In James 4:7 it is written “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” See that? Submit to God first of all.
Then resist the devil, ignore him. Do not reason with him in your mind. Blank him out. Do not give him an inch or let him take a foothold of you. In the book of Ephesians (6:10-18), we are encouraged to be strong in the Lord and put on the whole armor of God.
Shed off the evil thoughts and suggestions from the enemy. You do that by filling your mind with what Paul said in Philippians 4:8 “Finally brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy, meditate on these things.”
The best place to get all these things spoken of is the bible. So, get one and read and meditate on what you read. Follow this and you can’t go wrong.
Now, we also have this blog titled “The purpose and meaning of Life”. Read it prayerfully a few times and see that there is purpose in life beyond our understanding. See that purpose and live it.
Flush out the poison in your mind (cast out from your mind the evil thoughts that the enemy is planting in you.” and replace them with the truth (taken from scriptures) that is brought out in the blog.