What Is the Most Important Thing in Life and Why Should It Be My No. 1 Priority?

Most important things in life

I think it is but normal.  People desire to have or experience what they don’t have or what they cannot experience themselves because of their limitations.  With that frame of mind, one will think that if he only can amass such and such, he will be happy or fulfilled.  Or, if he will only become that popular or that powerful or that influential, then he will be happy.  But, is this so?  Isn’t life more than these?

Early Days

After college, I was fortunate to be accepted as an auditor for SyCip, Gorres and Velayo.  It was the pre-eminent professional audit firm at that time, (in the Philippines) and would certainly rank as “Best place to work at” a category not yet invented.  Well, while working there, there were occasions when our then chairman Mr. Washington Sycip would speak to us in our general assembly meetings.  As a “provinciano”, I never had a chance to see someone that successful up close.  The richest persons in our province owned a lot of property but they were aloof and silent.  The next richest guy owned a supermarket and is just minding his own business.  This is different.  A self made man, Mr. Sycip was a joy to listen to.  He was wise and very experienced and I always looked forward to hearing him give us insight about SGV, the economy, the future and other things that are not obvious to my young mind.  I saw in him what success is.  As I grew older, I became aware of many other achievers, giants of a person in commerce, industry, arts, sports and culture who garnered much success.  No wonder they have so much power and influence, many admirers and avid fans.  We see them achieve great success, riches and perhaps, we concluded, happiness.  But, somehow, this opinion about them began to change when I saw that some were struggling with substance abuse addictions, broken marriages, messed up finances and many other issues.   Yes, they amassed so much wealth that they cannot possibly spend it in their lifetime or they achieved such great accomplishments that they receive world acclaim.  But, whatever they accomplished, are these really the most important things in life?

Early, early Days

There is a man written about in the bible who eclipsed all the wisdom, riches and successes that is recorded in recent or even distant history.  His name is Solomon, King of Israel, son of King David.  This is what God promised him and fulfilled for him:

God said to Solomon, “Because your greatest desire is to help your people, and you did not ask for wealth, riches, fame, or even the death of your enemies or a long life, but rather you asked for wisdom and knowledge to properly govern my people— I will certainly give you the wisdom and knowledge you requested, but, I will also give you wealth, riches, and fame such as no other king has had before you or will ever have in the future!” (2 Chronicles 1:11-12, NLT)

Did you catch that?  The Lord promised Solomon wisdom, knowledge, riches, wealth and fame no other king or ruler had or will have.  That means he was richer than his father David, richer than Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon and richer than Rockefeller, or our current billionaires.  Out of that wisdom, Solomon wrote many proverbs (found in the Book of Proverbs) and as you read them you will agree he was indeed wise.  Towards the end of his life, he wrote in the Book of Ecclesiastes that in spite of all his pursuits and accomplishments, under the sun, life was meaningless.  At the end of that book, he concluded with:

“Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is man’s all.  For God will bring every work into judgment, including every secret thing, whether good or evil.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14, NKJV)

Solomon has done exceptionally well, but he, in spite of his great wisdom, also disobeyed God.  He multiplied horses and chariots (four thousand stalls of horses and chariots; akin to tanks and armored vehicles for war) which God told him not to have.  He also had 700 wives and 300 concubines (1 Kings 11:3), pursued and followed after foreign women, and promoted the worship of idols, even though he knew they were false gods. (1 Kings 11:2, 11:8-11).    It is no wonder that in the above conclusion of the whole matter as he wrote in Ecclesiastes, he did not sound so happy and satisfied.  I venture to say that, knowing everything will be judged, he was concerned there were things he did that were embarrassing to be exposed.  That being the case, His advice to us is “fear God and obey His commands”.   He said for this is man’s all, meaning it is what is centrally important to accomplish.

In Jesus’ time

Now, many years later after Solomon, the Lord Jesus (the One greater than Solomon) came into the scene.  On one occasion, after sending his disciples on a mission to preach the gospel, they came back excited with joy saying “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.”  (Luke 10:17) Can you imagine the kind of power they exercised?  Let me tell you a little perspective about this time.  The followers of the Lord were mostly poor, mostly Galilean fishermen who rely on the catch for their sustenance.  They have no option for a get rich quick, end all your problems, solution to their existence.  Except for one (Judas) who stole from the money box, they are resigned to their situation specially when they agreed without hesitation to follow Him, the Master, who is also poor. 

So, when they marveled at their newly discovered power over the spirits, casting out demons and healing the sick, His “matter of fact” reply was “Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven.” (Luke 10:20)

What does it mean that your name is written in heaven?  This is another way of saying your name is written in the Book of Life (Rev 20:12-15) or in the Scroll of Remembrance (Malachi 3:16-18).  According to Malachi, that book or scroll records the names of “those who feared Him and always thought about the honor (reverence) of His name”.  Those whose names are written in the Book are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ who will not go through and be spared from the White Throne Judgment.

The Most important thing, God’s Gift

Solomon said “Fear God and keep His commandments as this is man’s all.” And, by the advice of the Lord Jesus, (the One greater than Solomon), the most important thing, higher than material things, higher than power over the devil, higher than the power to heal the sick and I dare say, higher than everything else, is to get our names written in heaven, in the Book of Life.  King Solomon and Lord said the same thing differently.  And, what they said should be our no. 1 concern and priority.  When our names are written in the Book of Life, we are safe from eternal condemnation and a place is reserved for us in heaven.  The names written in that book are those who by faith have established a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ making Him their Lord and Savior.  Have you done that?  If not, you have to do it soon.

The most important thing in life then is to recognize that God wanted to present us with a Gift and His desire is for us to choose to accept it and live by it.  It is offered and available to anyone who agree that –

                         “All (men) have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23)

This gift has multiple aspects:

  • It is spiritual; from a God who is spirit.
  • It blots our offense and sin.  By it, we are made holy, blameless, and acceptable to Him regardless of our past.
  • We receive a virtual Certificate of Adoption into the family of God.
  • The wisdom, blessings and promises of God become ours.
  • Together with that gift is the gift of the Holy Spirit whom He gives as a guarantee of the fulfillment of what is promised.
  • Being a gift, we can’t buy, work for or pay for it.  It is to be received by faith, by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross.
  • In gratitude, we respond with thanksgiving, seeking who this Giver is and finding His good, eternal will and plans for us, make Him our Lord and Savior.

As with any gift, it is up to us what to do with it.  We can keep it in the closet unopened.  We can pass it on to another saying it is not for me.  We can also get offended; how dare He tells me I am a sinner.  Aside from me, I know some folks who received this Gift.  They say they felt their guilt taken away,  Some speak of peace and joy they received.  Some marvel that the truth is now revealed, some enjoy the closeness and intimacy with Him.  Some appreciate their new purpose and a renewed hope.  Some are enlightened about the direction they now have compared to the aimlessness prior.  And most of all, we rest assured that as forgiven sons and daughters, we will inherit eternal life and be with Him in heaven when we die.  The child of God is heaven-bound.  If you choose to accept this gift, in a short while, you will agree with me, it is the Best Gift one can ever receive.

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