After being away from California for 2 years, we returned and somehow a door opened for us to reside in Fontana. With a burden in my heart to reach out to young men and women for Christ, I searched where the Lord will lead and my focus was turned to Chaffey College.
Because of an event in my son’s struggle while at Mt. SAC, which Chaffey College gladly helped resolve, I have a very positive impression of the college. I see it as being helpful and responsive to students’ needs. So, to start a ministry there gives me a positive feeling.
We have been doing ministry to young people in Angeles City (in the Philippines) bringing the good news from scripture and making disciples. We have not done it before in the USA. But our success there and our sense that young men and women have a thirst for God and for the meaning of life encourage us to walk where the Lord leads.
Chaffey College encourages students to join a school club. In addition to a sense of belonging, networking with other students fosters friendship which leads to a support system that lighten one’s load, among other benefits. If the club is one like ours, it can help develop character and strengthen the inner man.
Club Charter
Our Club will follow the foregoing principles in our charter:
1.Fostering friendship among Club members and spreading goodwill to other students, school employees and faculty
2. Building up young men and women in faith and character by the study and application of biblical principles in life
3. Equipping club members with wisdom to be able to navigate through life triumphantly with joy
4. Sponsor school-wide events of benefit to the studentry
5. Participate in and represent the Club in Chaffey programs and contribute to the school’s goals
Club is Forming
We are inviting our fellow students to join Forgiven Much Club @Chaffey. We do not ask for any commitment as to time or money. We received the grace of God in our life freely and so we gladly give freely. Those interested come freely with no compulsion, just your free choice and an open mind.
The Plan
By joining the Club, you will be able to establish friendship with your fellow students who will learn the word of God with you, start a relationship with God if you do not yet have one, and become a disciple of Christ. Once a disciple, you will disciple others also, telling them how you have been forgiven of your sins.
Our plan is to hold weekly bible study, tentatively at noon every Thursday, in campus. After a few sessions, you will realize that each of us have been forgiven and forgiven much. It cost the Lord His life for us to be forgiven, in gratitude, we worship God, serve Him and tell others of the love and forgiveness He offers.
In order to know that you are not following false teaching in joining us, we encourage you to visit our blogs and about pages. There you will see that our message is not our own but God’s.
Peace, joy, hope and sense of purpose will come when we cease to be enemies of God. This is our present state without Him. When we establish that relationship with Jesus that we will soon learn, we will be transformed from God’s enemies into His children. And if we are His children, the Lord’s promises and blessings are for us, along with His inheritance.
Act Now
Signify your interest to join the Club by texting this to 909-549-4307 or sending us an email to: vbonus6205@panther.chaffey.edu
We will acknowledge and respond with information on when we will start meeting and other details.
The section below and to the end were posted in Jan 2020 and earlier. It is a catalog of historical events and activities of forgivenmuchph.org
Dec 26-28, 2019
Theme: Rooted and Grounded: My strong Foundation is Christ
On December 26-28, 2019 Forgiven Much co-sponsored with Freedom Baptist Church and several local Pampanga churches the Rooted and Grounded Camp for Youth at Windows of Heaven Baptist Camp. It was a 3 days and 2 nights event attended by about 300 young people. Of these, 46 were from our ministry in Angeles City. It was a fun filled event with plenty of teaching and team building competition. Our prayer is that the seed planted on those who attended will bear the true fruit of salvation found in Christ. Here are some of the photos taken during the event.

In early 2019, the Angeles City National High School approached us to partner with them to conduct a quarterly values seminar for their students which we gladly accepted. This is currently ongoing and we are on the 4th quarter of the program (School year 2019-2020). The school requested that we provide their student with plastic water bottles so they can do away with disposable plastic film soda bags which litter the school. They also allowed us to share the gospel and teach the students lessons from the bible. We thank God for the opportunity and gladly complied.

From our archive, here are some pictures showing our ministry in action: